F1b Mini Goldendoodles From Julie and Cockapoos from Patches coming soon. Scroll down in the "currently available litters" page to see info about upcoming puppies. Upcoming litters from Snuggles and Francis as well.  Call for more info. or to be put on the waiting list for these Mini Goldendoodle litters.


About us

     We are a a family who has owned dogs for many years. In 2017, we became interested in the Mini Goldendoodle breed due to the family friendly nature, intelligence, great size and low to non-shedding fur.

     We bought Copper, our small poodle male with the intention of crossing him to Golden Retrievers and F1 Goldendoodles to get the mini Goldendoodles.  We were already aquainted with other families  who owned some of these dogs and were interested in joining together to have these Mini Goldendoodle Puppies. We had our male extensively DNA genetic tested as well as having additional tests at the vet and canine opthamologist. We also had the same DNA testing completed on females other people owned that were interested in using him as a stud. Since then, we have had a number of litters and seen many happy families as they took home their new family member.

     These dogs will often work well for people who struggle with pet allergies to many other types of dogs. Their fur is anywhere from wavey to quite curly when grown.

     The puppies in the picture here are the males from his first litter while the picture on the first page is of the females from that litter.