Copper is our 17 lb. male poodle stud. He is an integral part of the family and loves to be the center of attention. He loves people and wants to be in the same room as the rest of the family. He is a caramel brown and his Mini Goldendoodle puppies mostly tend to be anywhere from a caramel brown to a beige colour or somewhere inbetween. There have been some puppies with a slight reddish tone to their coat and a few with white patches on their chest or feet.
When bred to a F1 Goldendoodles, his puppies have been mostly 25-35 lbs at one year old. When bred to Golden Retrievers, his puppies have mainly ranged between 25-40 lbs at one year. When bred to a 29 lb poodle, his puppies were 14-30 lbs at one year.
Lassie does not have any available Puppies. Lassie is a happy family pet living in the country with her family. She gets to interact with children and adults and loves her family and sister she lives with as well. Her puppies with Copper are mini F1 Goldendoodles and tend to be 25-40 lbs at one year old.
Patches does not have any puppies available at this time. Patches in a happy-go-lucky georgeous Cocker Spaniel. She lives has one other dog for a companion and has a family of children to run and play with at her country home. She is a beautiful red with white patches all over and her puppies show some of this colour coming through as their fur grows in. Her puppies with are Cockapoos and will likely end up 20-25 lbs at one year old.
Kitrie does not have any available puppies. Kitrie is our beautiful Golden Retriever. She is full of energy and zest for life. She absolutely loves to fetch a stick or a frisbee and will always take more attention. She loves long walks and and is always up for the next adventure. Her puppies with Copper are mini F1 Goldendoodles and will likely end up 25-40 lbs at one year old.
Sheila does not have any puppies at this time. Sheila is a very happy family friendly F1 Golden Doodle. She is a light beige colour and has a medium curl and is non-shedding. She has had had puppies with Copper in the past. These pupppies are F1b Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to be 25-35 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Caramel to a Beige colour and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest. She has had puppies in the past and people have been very pleased with these as they have grown up.
Caramel (Golden Retriever) has no available puppies. Caramel (GR) is a beautiful happy family friendly Golden Retriever. She is a light Golden colour and is a small/moderate size Golden Retriever. She is a very friendly dog who lives with her family including children, other animals and one other dog. She has a large country property to play on with her family. Her puppies with Copper are F1 Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to be 25-40 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Golden to a Caramel to a Beige colour and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest. She has had puppies with Copper before and people have been very pleased with these as they have grown up.
Caramel has no current puppies available. Caramel (Goldendoodle) is an F1 Golden Doodle and is a sister to Sheila. Caramel (GD) is a light beige colour with some slight Golden markings on her back. She has a medium curl and is non-shedding. These pupppies are F1b Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to be 25-35 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Caramel to a Beige colour and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest. She has had puppies with Copper in the past and we have heard back from pleased families regarding her puppies.
Tanya does not have any puppies available. Tanya is twin sister to Twila and is an F1 Golden Doodle with a smoother coat than the mojority of Goldendoodles. Her coat has a beautiful reddish colour that is often desired but can be hard to get. She looks a lot like a Golden Retriever but has more wavey/curly hair around her ears. Her pupppies with Copper are expected to be curlier than her and will be expecterd to be low/non-shedding. They will be F1b Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to be 25-35 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Red to a Caramel to a Beige colour and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest. She has had puppies with Copper previously and those puppies were very beautiful.
Twila does not have any currently available puppies. Twila is a twin sister to Tanya. She is a F1 Golden Doodle and, like her sister, has a fairly smooth coat except hers is more of the Golden colour. She looks more like a Golden Retriever than a Poodle but when bred to our small male poodle, her puppies should carry the low/non shedding gene. They are F1b Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to average 25-35 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Light Red to a Caramel to a beige colour and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest.
Ellie and Copper were bred in October and have a litter expected mid-December. Ellie is a beautiful black and white border collie who lives with us - She is our son's pet. She absolutely loves to play fetch with a stick, frisbee or ball. She has a real zest for life and wants to go with us wherever we go outside. When we go to the door, she is right there to go out with us as well. Her pupppies with Copper are expected to be curlier than her and will be expecterd to be low/non-shedding. They will be F1 Border Doodles (Some call them Bordoodles) and are expected to be 20-30 lbs at one year old. Puppies from these two are expected to be mainly black or black and white with possible small brown patches on face or feet.
Snuggles does not have any available puppies. Snuggles is an F1 Golden Doodle with a loosely curly reddish coloured coat. She has a little more of that red colour that is often desired but can be hard to get. Her looks a are right in the middle with a good mix of both the Golden Retriever and Poodle genes. Her pupppies with Copper are expected to be curlier than her and will be expecterd to be low/non-shedding. They are F1b Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to be 25-35 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Red to a Caramel colour and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest. This is her first litter with Copper.
Francis does not have any available puppies. Francis is our smallest F1 Golden Doodle mother. She has a loosely curly beige/light brown coloured coat. Her looks a are right in the middle with a good mix of both the Golden Retriever and Poodle genes. Her pupppies with Copper are expected to be curlier than her and will be expected to be low/non-shedding. They are F1b Mini Golden Doodles and are expected to be 20-25 lbs at one year old. They are expected to be anywhere from a Caramel to a beige colour when grown and sometimes will have small white markings on their feet of chest.